Standing Out In A Crowded Home Equity Market

How Can Home Equity Lenders Differentiate Themselves? ​

Picture of Jeremy McCarty

Jeremy McCarty

Founder and CEO of Valligent

In the National Mortgage Professional’s recent article, “Standing Out in a Crowded Home Equity Market,” written by Jeremy McCarty, Founder and CEO of Valligent, shares insights on how lenders can play a crucial role in helping homeowners tap into their home equity in a high demand home equity market. Jeremy further reviews how lenders can set themselves apart from competitors.  

A few ways to stand out include:   

  • Faster valuations to meet homeowner expectations  
  • Utilizing tools such as AVMS for more accurate valuations  
  • Leveraging technology as part of the borrower experience  

To learn more, click here to read the full article. 

If you would like to speak with someone about the recommendations in this article, please contact 


National Mortgage Professional Magazine:  Standing Out In A Crowded Home Equity Market

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