VeroVALUE Portfolio
VeroVALUE Portfolio
Assess Risk Across Your Entire Portfolio
VeroVALUE Portfolio is ideal for mortgage servicers, investors or anyone who needs frequent access to current estimates of value on a broad spectrum of properties. VeroVALUE Portfolio utilizes Veros’ industry leading residential property valuation tool, VeroVALUE, for fast, accurate, and realistic results, even in rapidly changing markets.
Portfolios can also be maximized through the incorporation of related analytics from the Veros suite including VeroFORECAST and VeroVALUE REO. Through a fast and cost-efficient review, VeroVALUE Portfolio helps you determine which loans may meet your risk threshold, which exceed it, and which will need more analysis.
Fast & Cost Efficient Portfolio Review
Easy to Manage Data Points
Don’t settle for a standard portfolio review, with VeroVALUE Portfolio you will benefit from:
- First mortgage data
- Forecast values from VeroFORECAST looking 6-, 12-, 18- or 24-months into the future
- Veros Confidence Score with VeroSCORE – Collateral Integrity Analysis
- Index Values from VeroINDEX Plus
- Retro Valuations, and more!
It is critical to maintain a strong watch on your portfolio while keeping costs under control. VeroVALUE Portfolio is ideal when your business needs require frequent access to current estimates of value on a broad spectrum of properties.