Capital Markets / Investors
Capital Market Investor Solutions To Reduce Risk and Optimize Portfolio Performance
Capital market investors seeking insight on current properties in their investment portfolio, and investments in the future, choose Veros for valuation risk and portfolio growth.
Capital Market Investor Solutions To Reduce Risk and Optimize Portfolio Performance
Capital market investors seeking insight on current properties in their investment portfolio, and investments in the future, choose Veros for valuation risk and portfolio growth.

Automated Valuation

Collateral Risk

Appraisal Data

Home Price Trends
& Forecasts

Valuation Management
Explore the Valuation Risk and Portfolio Growth Solutions that Capital Market Investors Depend On for Insight-Driven Investment Decisions
Investors need accuracy and precision when modeling risks and estimating collateral values. Knowing where your investment portfolio stands today and leveraging predictive analytics to forecast where your portfolio may be in the future, investors need access to the insight that empowers smart investment decisions.
Veros’ suite of valuation and risk management products provide the tools investors need to:
- Isolate pre-distressed properties
- Determine at-risk credit exposures
- Estimate best and worst-case collateral values
- Calculate net recoveries and losses

VeroSELECT is a Complete Collateral Risk Assessment
& Management for Capital Market Investing
VeroSELECT Collateral Risk and Valuation Management Platform offers a complete suite of home valuation solutions and alternative valuation services for data-driven investing. You’ll be able to identify collateral risk and determine the true home value all-in-one collateral risk assessment and management system.  VeroSELECT is simply a smarter approach to managing valuation risk for investments at the property and portfolio levels.
Flexible Automated Valuation Solutions to Meet Your Property Portfolio Investing Needs

Leverage this proprietary, on-demand automated valuation model (AVM) offering national coverage, consistent accuracy with the most meaningful confidence scores.
Instantly find out if a property is suitable for an AVM or if a desktop valuation or appraisal is a better fit. VeroPRECISION is the best tool for true valuation accuracy.
Gain absolute control of your AVM workflow to implement simple, or highly sophisticated cascades.
Choose this industry-leading residential property valuation tool for fast, accurate, and realistic results, even in rapidly changing markets. It’s your ideal solution for frequent access to current estimates of value across a whole portfolio of properties.
Select this index-only based automated valuation solution when you need time-based residential property valuations derived from advanced analysis of local and regional market trends.
Dealing with distressed properties? VeroVALUE REO is the must-have tool for shortening REO disposition timelines and optimizing less-than-ideal recoveries. VeroVALUE REO addresses the challenges resulting from distressed assets, increased foreclosure rates, and expanding REO portfolios.
Generate, analyze, rank, and report the multiple AVMs required for PACE lending in California.
Instantly find out if a property is suitable for an AVM or if a desktop valuation or appraisal is a better fit. VeroPRECISION is the best tool for true valuation accuracy.
Gain absolute control of your AVM workflow to implement simple, or highly sophisticated cascades.
Choose this industry-leading residential property valuation tool for fast, accurate, and realistic results, even in rapidly changing markets. It’s your ideal solution for frequent access to current estimates of value across a whole portfolio of properties.
Select this index-only based automated valuation solution when you need time-based residential property valuations derived from advanced analysis of local and regional market trends.
Dealing with distressed properties? VeroVALUE REO is the must-have tool for shortening REO disposition timelines and optimizing less-than-ideal recoveries. VeroVALUE REO addresses the challenges resulting from distressed assets, increased foreclosure rates, and expanding REO portfolios.
Generate, analyze, rank, and report the multiple AVMs required for PACE lending in California.
Valuation Services to Maximize
Efficiency in Real Estate Investing
When you need fast, reliable valuation data and condition verifications for your subject property, VeroPHOTO Plus is the answer. VeroPHOTO Plus unites the superior accuracy of the VeroVALUE AVM with a current digital photo of the subject property and adds an external property condition report completed at the time of the AVM order.
Default and servicing professionals rely on VeroBPO (broker price opinions) as a faster and less expensive option, compared to a full appraisal, when ascertaining residential property values across the nation. The Veros extensive network of nationwide licensed professionals is ready to fulfill your BPO’s today!distressed assets, increased foreclosure rates, and expanding REO portfolios.
Collateral Risk Management Solutions
Collateral Risk Analysis
Understanding, detecting and measuring the risk of mortgage collateral is essential to your business. With the collateral risk solutions from Veros, you will have the insight to understand the risk and severity of collateral-related loss events from market changes to the impact of disasters.

When disaster strikes – be prepared with the parcel-level information on how much – if at all – a specific property was impacted by a hurricane, wildfire, earthquake, flood or other disaster. Veros Disaster Data is available as an add on when you choose VeroValue AVMs.

You’ll be able to make faster, more insightful and virtually instantaneous analysis of appraisal reports and their associated risk. VeroSCORE delivers concise, easy-to-apply corrective actions, replacing the complex, time-consuming manual appraisal review with immediate automated analysis and scoring. This significantly simplifies the review process and enables users to identify high-risk appraisals before they result in rejections or repurchase requests.
Appraisal Management
& Data Delivery
Veros offers systems to automate the management of your appraiser panels and appraisals, including the data delivery system to ensure your appraisal data files are delivered directly to both the Uniform Collateral Data Portal® (UCDP®) and Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) portals, seamlessly.

PATHWAY provides you with a seamless submission solution to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA’s appraisal delivery portals — all with minimal integration effort required.  PATHWAY is an ideal solution for volumes too large for manual upload to UCDP or EAD’s web interfaces.
Home Price Trends & Forecast
Future Proof Your Investment Portfolio
Stay current on the latest insights in home prices across the nation that may impact your investment portfolio. Veros gives you a first look into the home price trends–historical home values and the projection of home prices—using the data-rich HPI, VeroFORECAST,  and other economic variables to provide you with clear movements of home values. No matter if it is a volatile or dynamic market, Veros provides insight into the overall housing economy, showing you where home values are falling or appreciating, and providing you with reliable real estate data and analytics.
A key resource for forecasting and strategic planning, you’ll gain pinpoint accuracy to spot specific percentage value changes down to the zip code level and segmented by price tier and property type.

VeroHPI provides you with direct access to robust trending home price logic. The index offers national coverage and is available at the CBSA (county-based statistical area) or FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) levels.