FHA Launches EAD Portal System Enhancements

On March 14, 2016, FHA announced reminders of important updates to its Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) portal. The original announcement was released on February 26 in FHA INFO 16-11, “Planned EAD Portal March 14, 2016 System Enhancements; Updated Data Delivery Guide Now Available”, which also included the reminder that, “the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) portal becomes mandatory for use on June 27, 2016.” Here’s the announcement:

EAD Portal March 14, 2016 System Enhancements Reminder

As a reminder, on Monday, March 14, 2016, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will implement a set of system enhancements to the Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) portal. As announced in FHA INFO 16-11, on February 26, 2016, these enhancements will further improve portal functionality, and will also address user feedback.

To correspond with the upcoming system enhancements, on March 1, 2016, FHA published an updated version of the EAD portal Hard Stop Checks and Error Messages fact sheet. Mortgagees should review this updated fact sheet as part of their preparation for onboarding to, and subsequently using the EAD portal.

Read more on FHA’s original announcement and the EAD portal system enhancements here.

Only One Onboarding Phase Remain

With only one onboarding phase remaining before the EAD portal’s June 27, 2016 mandatory use date, mortgagees that have not yet registered for an onboarding phase should do so now. More information is available on FHA’s EAD portal Mortgagee Onboarding Process web page.

Phase Onboarding Phase
Start Date
Onboarding Phase
End Date
6 March 15, 2016 May 15, 2016 Closing March 15, 2016
7 April 15, 2016 June 15, 2016 Open


Reminder by FHA: Mortgagees who have not registered by April 14, 2016 for an onboarding, and who have not completed onboarding to the EAD portal before the June 27, 2016 mandatory use date, will not be able to submit appraisals to FHA; manually enter appraisal information in the FHA Connection (FHAC) Appraisal Logging Screen; or obtain an FHA insurance endorsement.

Get more information on Mortgagee Onboarding Process Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) Portal

Get information, user guides, fact sheets, and more on FHA’s EAD Portal web page at: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/housing/sfh/lender/origination/ead


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