VA picks Veros to provide appraisal management services for VA loans

Veros tightens grip on government, GSE appraisal processes

Veros Real Estate Solutions already plays a big role in loans backed by the Federal Housing AdministrationFannie Mae, and Freddie Mac, and now, the company will be deeply involved in Department of Veterans Affairs mortgages as well.

Veros serves as the vendor for the FHA’s electronic portal for appraisal reports and data submissions and also provides the portal service for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans.

Now, Veros can add the VA to its client list as the VA has awarded its Appraisal Management Services contract to Veros. Through the contract, Veros will provide appraisal solutions as part of VA Home Loan Guaranty program.

Veros, a provider of enterprise risk management, collateral valuation services and predictive analytics, has been providing the appraisal portal service for the GSEs since 2011, and secured the FHA portal contract in 2014. And now, Veros is working with the VA as well.

According to details provided by Veros, the company will “work to improve the veteran’s home buying experience by focusing on efficiencies related to the appraisal scheduling, tracking and completion process.”

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